
Man holding sore shoulder

The shoulder is one of the largest and most complex joints within the human body. Ensuring the muscles are strong and the joint is flexible are both imperative to maintaining healthy, functional shoulders.

Our therapists use a combination of strengthening, manual therapy, stretching, and other techniques to help patients recover from shoulder-related injuries or pain.

How do you know if you’re at risk of a shoulder injury?

  • Does it feel like your shoulder could slip or pop out of socket?
  • Are you unable rotate your arm in all normal positions?
  • Is your shoulder stiff, ache-y, or tight?
  • Does your shoulder lack the proper strength to complete your daily activities?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you should reach out to us for a consultation. The sooner your injury or condition is identified the better, as shoulder pain can be difficult to resolve if left untreated for an extended period of time.

Common Shoulder Conditions & Injuries:

Adhesive capsulitis is the stiffening of the shoulder due to scar tissue, which results in loss of motion and painful movement. If left untreated, Frozen Shoulder can result in the complete inability to raise your arms, reach overhead, or even move the entire arm in a functional way.

  • Tendinitis is caused by the overuse of the rotator cuff, which causes it to become inflamed.
  • Bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa, a fluid-filled sac that sits between the tendons of the rotator cuff and the shoulder bones.
  • The rotator cuff is one of the most important parts of the shoulder. The rotator cuff is comprised of muscles and tendons that hold the shoulder bones together in the correct position, providing the appropriate stability for reaching overhead or lifting your arms.
  • Rotator cuff strains and tears are caused by acute or overuse injury, such as a fall, car accident, sports, or other sudden injury.
  • Pre- & Post-Operative Rotator Cuff Repair
  • Pre- & Post-Operative Shoulder Replacement
  • Osteoarthritis

Shoulder Instability is when one of the shoulder joints is forced out of its normal position or the shoulder joint shifts position. Instability commonly results in dislocation of the shoulder joint, often resulting in pain when raising your arms or the sensation of the shoulder ‘slipping out of place’.

Excessive overhead arm movement commonly leads to impingement, which is the result of the shoulder muscles repetitively rubbing against the top part of the shoulder blade. Impingement is typically very painful and can easily lead to more serious injuries if left untreated.

Physical therapy for shoulder pain, injuries, or replacement typically consists of the following goals:

  • Strengthen shoulder muscles and surrounding musculature
  • Scapular strengthening, as the shoulder blade (scapula) acts as the foundation for shoulder stability
  • Restore the mechanics of the shoulder
  • Reduce pain and restore range of motion
  • Core & back strengthening
  • Posture training